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Tag Archives: Peace Within

Peaceful People: Daily Inspiration for May 16th

Greetings!  Since the close of Season for NonViolence, I have been sending out Daily Inspirations for Peaceful People by email.   If you would like to get these daily, just leave a comment with your email.

Peace Within, peace, serenity

The Feng Shui Garden
(c) 2014 Kebba Buckley Button

Today’s Inspiration is a Prayer for Peace of Mind, by Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini.  Our photo is from The Feng Shui Garden, from St. Francis’s corner–St. Francis of Assisi, that is.

Fortify me with the grace of Your Holy Spirit and give Your peace to my soul that I may be free from all needless anxiety, solicitude and worry.  Help me to desire always that with is pleasing and acceptable to You so that Your will may be my will.

–St. Francis Xavier Cabrini


Peace and Grace to you this day!


● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition) (   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a stress management expert and has a holistic healing practice.

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Peaceful People: Daily Inspiration for April 26

Heaven and Earth in Sedona Arizona (c) 2013 Kebba Buckley Button

Heaven and Earth in Sedona Arizona (c) 2013 Kebba Buckley Button

Greetings!  Since the close of Season for NonViolence, I have been sending out Daily Inspirations for Peaceful People by email.   If you would like to get these daily, just leave a comment with your email.

This week I am sharing short, powerful prayers from different faith traditions, in honor of the upcoming National Day of Prayer May 1.  Today, the prayer is from the affirmative prayer tradition of Ernest Holmes, founder of the Science of Mind.

“It is the Father’s good pleasure to give me the Kingdom of Heaven, or harmony and abundance.  Today He opens to me the blessings of His infinite and eternal treasure,inviting me to dip deeply into it.  As I believe in my heart, so it is done unto me in all things. As I ask, so do I receive, a full measure unto my faith, pressed down and running over.

“These and other Divine promises and assurances sing in me; the Still, Small Voice reminds me that all that the Father hath is mine.  This day I listen deeply to that Still, Small Voice and believe its promises.”

Peace and Grace to you this day!


● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition) (   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a stress management expert and has a holistic healing practice.

● Liked this article?  You can buy Kebba’s books:  just click the links!2013 Cover--Peace Within Cover 3rd addition r2a copy 2

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Peaceful People:  Closing Thoughts for the Season for NonViolence (SNV)

© 2014 Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.

NOTE:  If you subscribe by email, we will continue to send daily Inspirations for Peaceful People.  Send your request to: .  

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Peter Jordan Photography

Congratulations to everyone who read and considered even one of the 64 qualities put forth in this 17th Annual Season for NonViolence (SNV).  Did you become more aware of your own traits and feelings?  Did you find yourself doing anything differently?  Did you write in your journal, or start a new one?  Were you in any way inspired, as Ghandi suggested, to BE the peace you want to see?  Did you notice the World changing?  Please send your thoughts; we would like your feedback.

In fact, the World made a number of changes over the last 64 days.  Among these were some striking cooperative efforts of many nations together: the multinational rescue of a ship stuck in ice, the 26-nation search for a missing Malaysian airliner, movements of peace treaties, and international trades of long-held prisoners.  Did these things happen because of changing consciousness?

Your thoughts and prayers help.  Daily, ask yourself, “[H]ow can I be at peace?  And how can I BE the change I want to see?”  And always hold the vision of a nonviolent World, with a thriving, sustainable peace.

Here now is AGNT’s thought and prayer for the closing of the Season for NonViolence:

CLOSING Apr. 4: Every day, I join others in this prayer for World Peace:


With each kind thought,

each choice for nonviolence,

we plant a seed that shall bloom

to bring forth rich fruit in its Season.

Together, friend, we till the soil and

plant the seeds that all creation may

sing for joy and dance in the

Garden of Peace.

May our prayers and practices

during this Season be but the beginning

of a new culture of peace, security and

joy that shall endure unto our

children’s children’s children.

Amen/And so it is.


● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition) (   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a stress management expert and has a holistic healing practice.AGNT, SNV, nonviolence, peace, Peace Within

● Liked this article?  You can buy Kebba’s books:  just click the links!

● Enjoyed this post?  Please click “like” in the FB widget in the right hand column!  You’ll have our undying gratitude plus a huge rise in your Good Karma.

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Peaceful People:  Day 64 of Season for NonViolence (SNV): Celebration

© 2014  Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.

AGNT, SNV, nonviolence, Peace Within, peace


Today we celebrate the wrap of the 17th Season for NonViolence.  Think of all the changes in your thinking and doing since this article series began in January.  How different are you after 2 months of considering how to BE the peace you want to see?  Here are two parting quotes that hopefully you will find uplifting.

Peace is joy at rest. Joy is peace dancing.


There is nothing that’s wrong with America that can’t be cured by what is right with America.

~Bill Clinton

People who cultivate peace are having an effect on the world.  So break out your celebratory beverages and toast to progress!  Now here is AGNT’s contemplation for the last full day of the 17th annual Season for Nonviolence:

DAY 64 Apr. 3: The thought for today is CELEBRATION.  Margaret Mead said

“[N]ever doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” 

SNV, AGNT, nonviolence, peace, peacemaking, peace within, Ghandi


Nonviolence is building the courage to speak and act with respect, reverence and compassion for our own being.  Rejoice in the work that you have done.  CELEBRATE the journey that you have made with countless others who believe that every individual can move the world in the direction of peace with their nonviolent choice and action.

Today:  I CELEBRATE my knowledge and maturity, my choice of nonviolence, and the journey I have chosen.


● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition) (   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a stress management expert and has a holistic healing practice.

● Liked this article?  You can buy Kebba’s books:  just click the links!

● Enjoyed this post?  Please click “like” in the FB widget in the right hand column!  You’ll have our undying gratitude plus a huge rise in your Good Karma.

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Peaceful People:  Day 63 of Season for NonViolence (SNV): Release

© 2014  Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.

AGNT, SNV, Peace Within, peace, nonviolence


If you have been following this series of articles, you’ve had 62 days already to consider the Season for NonViolence, or SNV, this year.  You’ve also been considering your personal role as a force for nonviolence.  You know by now that qualities within you, and the nature of your interactions with others, are the building blocks of nonviolence, locally and globally.  If you are new to this series, while today is the next-to-last day of the SNV for this year, you can still read the articles on the 64 qualities at your leisure ( ).  And of course, you can consider today’s essential quality, RELEASE.

“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try, the world is beyond the winning.”
–Lao Tzu

Today, we consider AGNT’s theme of RELEASE.  Do you ever feel distracted from your work or your favorite sport by repeated thoughts of certain aggravations?  Do you ever find you’re feeling pent up, or others “set you off” easily?  Those thoughts and feelings are the ones to consider releasing.  When we remain attached to aggravations, we cannot be in peace.  We must RELEASE frustrations, pain, anger, and fear, to be able to be clear minded and peaceful.  Non-attachment, or peace within you, leads to peaceful interactions with others, which can lead to peacefulness on a large scale, especially with many others practicing peacefulness.  Here now is AGNT’s contemplation for Day 63:

DAY 63 Apr. 2: The thought for today is RELEASE.  A Sufi proverb says “when the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit laughs for what is found.”  Release the weight of your past, the judgments of yourself and others, and be the change you wish to see.  Make room for what is here in this present moment, release the hurts and resentments and mistakes of the past and be present to the nonviolent presence you are right here right now.  In the presence of a man or woman in whom all hostility has been released, others cannot be hostile. In the presence of a man or woman in whom all fear has been released, no one can be afraid. This is the power of true nonviolence, as we can see in the life of Gandhi. Because he had released all hostility, he was a profound force for peace.

Today:  I reflect back on how far I have come during this 64 day journey.  I release the idea that World Peace is not possible by acknowledging that I really do make a difference.  Say out loud, “I DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!”


● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition) (   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a stress management expert and has a holistic healing practice.

● Liked this article?  You can buy Kebba’s books:  just click the links!

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Peaceful People:  Day 62 of Season for NonViolence (SNV): Commitment

© 2014  Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.

AGNT, SNV, Peace Within, nonviolence, peace


Today, we are almost at the end of the 17th annual Association for Global New Thought (AGNT) Season for NonViolence.  For each of the 64 days since the anniversary of the passing of Mahatma Gandhi, we have been considering a quality or concept that will help each of us to move further into nonviolence.  We complete this year’s cycle on April 4th, the anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Today, if 1 billion people made a simple move further into nonviolence, can you imagine the shift for the Globe?  During this SNV, you have probably been thinking, “[S]o what’s my role?”  And “[H]ow could I, one person, make a difference toward World Peace?”

It’s time to get out your journal and ask your heart those very questions.  Then see what you write.  If you are just starting to read this article series, you may wish to glance through the other articles ( and let them give you simple ideas and easy steps to take.  Every little bit helps.  As you journal today, ask yourself what your COMMITMENT can be.  Start small, and make your COMMITMENT in your journal and your heart.  Begin to practice your new COMMITMENT.  You can always get out your journal, consult your heart, and step up to more, or to different efforts.

Consider now AGNT’s contemplation for Day 62:

DAY 62 Apr. 1: The thought for today is COMMITMENT.   Until one is committed there is hesitancy, a chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.  Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment that one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too.  All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.  A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would come his way.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it!  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.  Begin it now!”



And so it is with nonviolence.  We set forth a COMMITMENT to nonviolence with an intention that we can act upon today.  By doing so, we are presented with situations and circumstances that will allow us to model our COMMITMENT, to bring nonviolence to a situation.

Today:    I will identify what I am willing to do as a consequence of my COMMITMENT to nonviolence.    I will clarify and affirm my personal COMMITMENT to nonviolence by sharing it with at least two people.


● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition) (   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a corporate stress management trainer, and she also has a holistic healing practice.

● Liked this article?  You can buy Kebba’s books:  just click the links!

● Enjoyed this post?  Please click “like” in the FB widget in the right hand column!  You’ll have our undying gratitude plus a huge rise in your Good Karma.

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Peaceful People: Day 61 of Season for NonViolence (SNV): Peace [Within]

© 2014  Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.

AGNT, SNV, nonviolence, peace, peacemaking,, Peace Within


Today, we are invited to consider the quality of personal PEACE.  We need to nurture our PEACE within, in place of humoring negative thoughts or nurturing agitation.  Have you ever noticed that you react differently to the same events, depending on whether you are very relaxed and feel loved, versus when you are tense and under pressure?  If the dog chews up a favorite shoe of yours, under one set of conditions, you may laugh and find that cute.  If you are loaded with tension, fear, or anger, the dog chewing up a favorite shoe may “cause you to blow up”.  If you blow up, was it really the dog’s actions that caused you to react that way?  No.  It was about you.

So today, you can be a peacemaker by getting in touch with your PEACE within.  Then your PEACE will multiply outwardly and help create World PEACE.  This is why I wrote the book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core  (now in Second Edition, second printing,  We must learn more and more to BE the peace we want to see.

Here, then, is AGNT’s meditation for Day 61 of the SNV:

 DAY 61 Mar. 31: The thought for today is PEACE.  “Practice watering seeds of joy and peace and not just seeds of anger and violence, and the elements of war in all of us will be transformed,” says Thich Nhat Hanh.   You water seeds of anger and violence by deciding to stay angry and act violently.  You water seeds of joy and peace by deciding to be peaceful, no matter what is happening to you.  PEACE  does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart, and then respond in a nonviolent way.

“Mankind must remember that peace is not God’s gift to his creatures; peace is our gift to each other.”

Elie Wiesel

Today:  I choose to meet each experience with an intention for peace.  I will be aware of any feelings of anger or irritation and replace the feeling with calm.  I envision any areas of unrest transformed into safe havens for all people.  I see beyond conflict and discord to the truth: peace is everywhere present and active.


● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition, second printing)( .   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a corporate stress management trainer, and she also has a holistic healing practice.

● Liked this article?   You can buy Kebba’s books!  Just click the links:

● Enjoyed this post?  Please click “like” in the FB widget in the right hand column!  You’ll have our undying gratitude plus a huge rise in your Good Karma.

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Peaceful People:  Day 59 of Season for NonViolence (SNV): Intervention

© 2014  Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.           

AGNT, SNV, nonviolence, Peace Within, peace


On this 59th day of the Season for NonViolence, we turn our attention to the idea of INTERVENTION.  Perhaps you know someone who is in the throes of an addiction and either does not think they are addicted, or could use some support in getting help.


“If you are headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns.”


Today, many resources are available online, for all kinds of addictions.  You don’t have to solve someone’s addiction issues yourself.  But you can share a weblink, a flier, or a book with them.  If you share that addiction but have mainly beaten it, why not invite this acquaintance to your AA meeting or other support group?  Is it time for you to take steps to make a difference for this person?

Here is AGNT’s contemplation for this day:

DAY 59 Mar. 29: The thought for today is INTERVENTION.  Alcohol and drug abuse is both a consequence of, and a cause of, violence.  You can make a difference in someone’s life through intervention.

 Today:  I will have the courage to intervene in a caring way with someone who is using alcohol or drugs.  Through my honest, straightforward, and nonviolent communication, I will encourage them to get educated, get help, get sober and free from substances.


● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition).   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a corporate stress management trainer, and she also has a holistic healing practice.

● Liked this article?  Why not buy Kebba’s books?  Just click the links!

● Enjoyed this post?  Please click “like” in the FB widget in the right hand column!  You’ll have our undying gratitude plus a huge rise in your Good Karma.

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Peaceful People:  Day 58 of Season for NonViolence (SNV): Citizenship

© 2014  Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.            AGNT, SNV, Peace Within, nonviolence, peaceIs World Peace possible?  One year ago, US President Barack Obama gave a speech in Israel, in which he said “Peace is necessary… Peace is possible.”  If you would like the possibility to become the reality, today consider the quality of  CITIZENSHIP.  Participation in the life and thinking of your community can shift events more than you might think.  The qualities your participation expresses can cause others to shift their own behavior, because they admire and begin to model your nonviolent qualities.  Also, you may be moved to invite others to join you in participation, such as an email campaign or a committee. Get out your journal or iPad and make a list of your positive qualities.  How do you express nonviolence already, and how do you feel led to further activities in CITIZENSHIP?  Take 5 minutes to journal about these.  You can always add more later.  Have you noticed others admiring or copying you?  Here is AGNT’s contemplation for Day 58 of the SNV: DAY 58 Mar. 28: The thought for today is CITIZENSHIP.  Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General to the United Nations urges, “Use every letter you write, every conversation you have, every meeting you attend, to express your fundamental beliefs and dreams.” Make a difference in your community by becoming involved.

AGNT, SNV, Peace Within, nonviolence, peace


To be a citizen means to help your community be the best it can be.  You are a member of many communities:  your family, your place of work or school, your place of worship, your city, your country, and the planet.  Participation in your community presents an opportunity to model nonviolent action, peaceful resolution, and how each of us can and do make a difference. Today:  I will call or write one of my legislators and register my views.  I will tell at least three people of my efforts and ask them to do the same. ——————————————– ● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition).   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a corporate stress management trainer, and she also has a holistic healing practice. ● Liked this article?  Why not buy Kebba’s books?  Just click the links!

● Enjoyed this post?  Please click “like” in the FB widget in the right hand column!  You’ll have our undying gratitude plus a huge rise in your Good Karma. ● Please leave a comment! 

Peaceful People:  Day 57 of Season for NonViolence (SNV): Service

© 2014 Kebba Buckley Button, MS, OM.  World Rights Reserved.

AGNT, SNV, Peace Within, nonviolence, peace, service


 Peace-loving people, greetings!  Today we’re talking about SERVICE. While many people are working on the consciousness of attracting and receiving Go(o)d Things, it’s important sometimes to think about how we can serve up Go(o)d Things.  It supports the Law of Circulation if we are giving as well as being open to receiving.  In fact, we can completely let go of programming what we would like to receive.  We can instead simply be open to calls to service, and we can trust the Universe to provide for our needs.

Have you noticed certain forms of SERVICE tugging at your consciousness?  Do you keep hearing about volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, serving meals at St. Vincent de Paul dining rooms, or packing food at your local food bank?  Has that senior widow neighbor of yours been on your mind, perhaps needing rides, handywork, or a listening ear?  Does the botanical garden or science museum need just such professionals as you, to serve on their boards of directors? SERVICE to the world may be an ongoing, long-term project, or it may be a one-shot kindness.

A 70-something insurance broker friend recently was called to start coaching youth baseball.  He didn’t even know he could do that well, and he has made a great difference to the league.  Today, a neighbor texted, just as I was falling asleep for a deeply-needed nap; she had locked herself out of her condo.  This was a clear call to SERVICE,  from the Universe.  I asked my husband if he had his locksmithing equipment with him, I got a large to-go glass of cold water for my neighbor to drink, and off we went to help her get into her condo.  Then she and I searched for the lost keys.

Are you hearing a call?  Then go forth and serve!  You never know what will open up, for them, and for you.  Whatever call you’re hearing, this one’s for you!  Here is AGNT’s contemplation for this day:

AGNT, SNV, nonviolence, Peace Within, SNV, service


DAY 57 Mar. 27: The thought for today is SERVICE.  Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Everybody can be great … because anybody can serve …  you only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love.”   How can you serve today?

What really gives value to anything is its usefulness in serving others. Our life draws its value not from the money we make, or the prizes we win, or the power we wield over others, but from the service we give every day to add a little bit more to the happiness of our family and our community.  And when you serve, do it without thinking of getting anything in return. Do it as a service to the universe, not reluctantly, but with joy.  By doing so, you are a model to others, and add to a culture of nonviolence.

Today:  I will volunteer a minimum of two hours this week with an organization of my choice and share my commitment with at least one person.  I will do one thing today to help somebody at home, at school or work, or in my community, and then write a paragraph about the experience.


● Kebba Buckley Button is the author of the 2013 book, Peace Within:  Your Peaceful Inner Core (Second Edition).   It’s a book to keep with you constantly, to quickly recharge your Peace Within, with quotes, photos, and poems that take you directly there!  Kebba is a corporate stress management trainer, and she also has a holistic healing practice.

● Liked this article?  Why not buy Kebba’s books?  Just click the links!

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